Discover tropical flavors with Zuegg Mango nectar! The sweet and juicy taste of freshly squeezed mangoes will immediately enchant your taste buds. 100% natural, free of artificial additives, Zuegg Mango nectar is the perfect choice for those who like to enjoy the freshness of tropical fruits anytime and anywhere. Fill yourself with energy and freshness with a glass of Zuegg Mango nectar!
Article number:GUS018 Brand:Zuegg Category:, Gyümölcs- és zöldséglé/Smoothie Labels:
Zuegg is an Italian company that has been processing fruit and making fruit juice for more than 100 years. The company was founded in 1890 in Pergine Valsugana, Italy. Since then, Zuegg has become one of the leading juice companies in the world, known for its high-quality products made from natural ingredients. The company aims to offer consumers fresh and tasty fruit juices that support a healthy lifestyle.