Linden honey is darker than acacia, ranging from light yellow to amber yellow. It has a strong, characteristic linden smell, a slightly bitterish taste with citrus and minty notes. It crystallises relatively easily. Its strong antibiotic action is beneficial for colds, sore throats and coughs. It is also recommended to combat nervousness, restlessness and insomnia. Its choline content inhibits atherosclerosis and fat deposition.
Excellent for sweetening hot drinks, flavouring ice creams and ice creams and perfect with camembert and brie cheeses.
About the company:Their bees have long occupied a prominent place in the market for quality agricultural products, thanks to the conscientious work of beekeepers, the careful management of bees, the cleanliness of the intact apiaries and professional veterinary supervision. Their aim is to provide a premium quality product, always with the needs and confidence of their consumers in mind. Dr Honey is committed to maintaining the quality parameters of honey. Their honey is not heat treated or ultrafiltered, as this would cause the honey to lose all the physiological properties that consumers buy honey for.