Alkoholtartalom: 42,7% Gin Mare Mediterranean Gin
According to a study by the International Wine and SpiritResearch (IWSR), GIN MARE became the third most popular gin in the world market in 2016.
Mare is from Spain, made in a small town near Barcelona. The Mediterranean-inspired city inspired the flavor of gin. Herbal ingredients include basil, thyme, rosemary and the truly unusual Arbequina olive. In addition, juniper, cardamom and citrus fruits complement the gin. Taste is dominated by juniper and basil. These are combined with rosemary, thyme and coriander. Scent: The stronger aroma of the plants is most noticeable in the scent. Nevertheless, in its mild, clean scent, the herbs are not very strong. You can also feel the juniper in it. A whole new world of fragrance that is both characterful and exotic.