Canella Bellini cocktail 750ml
6 500 Ft
Characteristic, vibrant, lively pink color. The dry, astringent freshness of prosecco meets the fullness and sweet fruitiness of the peach perfectly, both in smell and taste. Grapefruit, citrus, peach, with some marzipan finish.
With its low alcohol content, it is an excellent aperitif or thirst quencher!
Grape variety: 75% Glera
Fruit content: 25% White Peach
Residual sugar: 6%
Alcohol: 5%
The Bellini was invented sometime between 1934 and 1948 by Giuseppe Cipriani, the founder of Harry's Bar in Venice. The name of the now iconic cocktail and aperitif was inspired by its color, a similar shade of pink can be seen in a painting by the 15th century Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini.
The drink started as a seasonal specialty at Harry's Bar, and later became popular at the bar's New York counterpart. After a French entrepreneur managed to deliver fresh white peach puree to both locations, the drink became a year-round favorite.
It's two parts dry prosecco, one part white apricot and pulp, and a few drops of raspberry to give it its signature pink color. Produced directly by the Canella family, the white peaches are only picked when they have reached their perfect ripeness, in order to maximize the concentration of natural sugars and aromas. It was bottled for the first time by the Canella cellar.
The Bellini is also on the official cocktail list of the IBA (Italian Bartenders Academy).
Canella Bellini contains no preservatives, added colors, flavors or sugar, is gluten-free and low-calorie.
It is recommended to consume it very cold (at 3-5°C). Feel free to add ice!