History: our great-grandfather was also a fisherman, in those days he used to dip the water from the Danube with a sapolly to fish. In our country, not a week goes by without eating fish soup. We always find an occasion, whether it's a holiday, a family gathering, a fast or a party, for us it's the most important element of social life, the recipe for which has been handed down from generation to generation. The men catch, clean and salt the fish, then cook it in the kettle with wood from the floodplain forests, while the women knead and cook the pasta and set the table.
Ferenc Erdei once said that "Danube-style chowder cooking is like a game of chess. The elementary rules, how to jump a horse and how to move a pawn or a bishop, can be learned in a few lessons, but to become a master you have to study to the death, and even then you make mistakes." All you need for a good Fajszi fish soup is fish, onions, Fajszi Fish Soup Paprika, salt and water, and of course a good kettle and dry wood.
"You can argue about the fish soup, but it's not worth arguing, it's good or not good, and that's that."