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Szentesi Pince Rajnai Rizling Öcsi 2022 750ml

3 890 Ft
Nothing proves the magnitude of the Nadap terroir better than the fact that Józsi Szentesi's “basic” Rhine, ie Öcsi, is occasionally given a more favorable reception than even the “big” Rhine (Bátyus). Reductive wine, with a capital load of 1.5 kilograms and a very nice balance, brings the fresh character of the variety with fine acids.
Alcohol: 13%
- 1 +
Article number: IF024
Brand: Szentesi Pince
Category: , Bor
Labels: Hungarian product
József Szentesi is a rediscoverer of the old Hungarian varieties before the phylloxera plague, an advocate of winemaking without intervention, and a winner of the Winemakers' Award. As a Swabian with a deep root in Budaörs, his ancestors have been growing grapes and making wine since time immemorial. The catastrophic wine culture of the seventies and eighties removed him from the family tradition, but he finally decided in 1998 to return to his roots. He planned to make only one barrel of wine a year, which he could sip with his friends under the walnut tree in the summer and by the fireplace in the winter. The hobby became a passion, the little one got bigger and bigger. Budaörs, which once had nearly 500 hectares of vineyards, was devoured by urbanization, so József Szentesi bought the land near Lake Velence in Nadap, Pázmánd and Sukoró. Today, the estate manages nearly 30 grape varieties on 14 hectares. In some parts of the area, old Hungarian varieties selected on the basis of viticultural and oenological works of the 19th century were found, thanks to which wines that had been forgotten for more than a century began to speak again: kissing grapes, Tihany blue, Bavarian blue, Laska, Dawn blue and others.

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